Anglican Church of St. George

Agape Mondays

Come along on a Monday evening at 8pm til late and share our Agape meal with us.

Spend time with us and experience our love walk in Jesus - our community follow Jesus Christ, God's Son, our Saviour and Lord.

Our Agape meeting is informal and accepting. We are all learning how to love one another.

       *       "Do good to all people especially the household of God".

Therefore, on Mondays, we are often open to each other until very late at night but you may leave whenever you wish to go home.

Agape Wednesdays:

ACORN HOUSE - 12 Noon - 3pm.  Please ask for Deaconess Greta or another Agape member, at the reception, to be invited to join with us.



We are a dispersed Community...